Recovery Tip: Have a Strong Support System


Why Is Connection Important To Recovery?

Recovery is easier when you have a support network and a support group. A counselor will be assigned to you when you visit a treatment center for help with your addictions and will help you set goals along with learn recovery-related skills. You can also learn how to create a peer support group once you return home.

While holistic and drug rehabs are more effective than holistic programs, many people have found support groups to be extremely effective in their recovery.

Positive Peer Pressure  

A support system can provide positive peer pressure. They don’t encourage bad decisions but instead promote growth and constructive choices in your life, and are with you throughout the process. In a nutshell, a support group is a source for positive reinforcement that supports a person’s recovery.

A Friend When Things Get Tough    

If someone is feeling down, a support system can be a family member or close friend. These supporters don’t have to say or do anything in order to be of assistance, sometimes showing up and being there is all someone needs. A person’s ability to be present for them when things get difficult can help boost their resolve, especially in the case of addiction recovery.

Someone to Listen   

A support group is a group of people close to you who will listen to your needs when they arise. Even if they don’t have any advice to offer, listening can be as liberating as visiting a counselor or therapist. As a sounding board, a support group for someone in recovery can be a good idea, and a healthy way to express the varying emotions they might be feeling while dealing with addiction or treatment.


Although it can be difficult to recover from an addiction to alcohol or drugs, having great support can make the process easier. We encourage you to use connection as a tool to aid in your recovery and to not shy away from reaching out when you feel like you need help. Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment!