A New Crossroad

Bipolar Treatment

About Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Bipolar disorder can be a lifelong illness. Bipolar Disorder Treatment focuses on managing the symptoms. Treatment may vary depending on your needs and could include any of the following:

  • Medications: You may need to take medications immediately to manage your moods.  
  • Continued Treatment: Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition that requires medication even when you feel well. Avoiding regular treatment can lead to a relapse or mood swings that turn into full-blown depression or mania.  
  • Bipolar Treatment Programs: You may be recommended by your doctor for a day treatment program. These programs offer the support and guidance you need to manage your symptoms and achieve successful treatment.  
  • Substance Abuse Treatment: You will also need substance abuse treatment if you are suffering from problems with drugs or alcohol. It can be difficult to manage bipolar disorder if you don’t.  
  • Hospitalization: If you are acting dangerously, feel suicidal, or have become disconnected from reality, your doctor may recommend hospitalization. A hospital can provide psychiatric care to help you feel safe and secure.

Bipolar disorder is treated primarily with medication and psychotherapy. Education and support groups are also options.

How Can We Help?

Who Is Affected By Bipolar Disorder?

  • Bipolar disorder affects about 5.7 million adults in the United States, which is 2.6% of all Americans over 18 years old.
  • According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the median age at which bipolar disorder begins is 25 years. However, the illness can begin as early as childhood and as late as the 40s or 50s.
  • Bipolar illness affects both men and women equally and can be found in all races, ages, and social classes.
  • Bipolar disorder affects more than two thirds of those who have at least one relative suffering from the condition or with uni polar major depressive disorder. This indicates that there is a genetic component to the disorder.

Finding The Right Medication

It will take some trial and error to find the right medication during your Bipolar Disorder Treatment. There are many other options if one does not work for you and is considered a normal occurrence for most patients.

It takes patience as some medications take weeks or months to fully kick in. Your doctor will usually only change one medication at a time to ensure that you get the best possible treatment outcome. Your symptoms are subject to change and your medication may need to be adjusted.

Some medications may include:

  •  Mood stabilizers To control manic and hypo manic episodes, you’ll usually need mood-stabilizing medication. Some examples of mood stabilizers are lithium, depakene, divalproex salt, carmazepine, and lamotrigine.  
  •  Antipsychotics In cases where depression or mania persists despite treatment with other medications, an antipsychotic drug may be prescribed. These medications may be prescribed by your doctor alone or in combination with mood stabilizers.  
  •  Antidepressants To help with depression, your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant. An antidepressant may sometimes cause a manic episode. It is usually prescribed in combination with a mood stabilizer, or a antipsychotic.  
  •  Antidepressant-antipsychotic The medication Symbyax combines the antidepressant fluoxetine and the antipsychotic olanzapine. It is used as a depression treatment, and mood stabilizer.  
  •  Anxiety medications These benzodiazepines can help with anxiety and sleep problems, but they are generally only used for a short time.
Bipolar Disorder Treatment

There Are Other Bipolar Disorder Treatment Options

ECT is an electro-convulsive treatment that involves passing electrical currents through the brain, purposely causing a short seizure. ECT may cause brain chemistry changes that could reverse the symptoms of some mental illnesses altogether. If you are unable to take antidepressants due to health reasons, or are at risk of suicide, ECT might be an option.

For those who have not responded to antidepressants, trans cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), is also currently being studied and could soon be a newly introduced treatment option. Other treatment options can always be explored depending on your needs.

Find Bipolar Disorder Treatment Options

A New Crossroad offers personalized medication assisted treatment programs for Bipolar Disorder treatment. Contact our team of substance abuse and mental health treatment professionals today to schedule your consultation with us!